Choose your deposit

The minimum amount
from 500 UAH
The deposit term
1 mo. - 18 mo.1
from 7%2 to 13%3
We pay % on the card monthly
Profitable deposit
the maximum increase in your savings - from 7%2 to 13%3 per annum
Profitable deposit
The minimum amount
from 100 UAH
The deposit term
1 mo.1
from 4%4 to 5%5
We pay %
on the card monthly
Free deposit
manage your savings freely and earn from 4%4 to 5%5 per annum
Free deposit
The minimum amount
from 100 USD/EUR
The deposit term
3 mo1
We pay %
on the card monthly
Foreign currency deposit
It is possible to open a deposit in USD or EUR currencies for an amount equivalent to up to 200,000 per UAH month only in the FUIB Online mobile application
Foreign currency deposit
The minimum amount
from 500 UAH
The deposit term
3 or 6 mo.1
from 11.5%7 to 12.5%8
We add %
to the deposit monthly
Accumulative deposit
easy accumulation and increase of your savings - from 11.5%7 to 12.5%8 per annum
Accumulative deposit
The minimum amount
500 UAH
The deposit term
1 mo. - 18 mo.1
from 9%9 to 14%10
We pay %
on the card monthly
Deposit Reliable
We stand strong and store securely
Deposit Reliable

For persons receiving reimbursement of the Deposit Guarantee Fund through FUIB JSC

FUIB is a reliable bank for saving your savings

Reliable bank for over 30 years
For over 30 years, we have never canceled deposit payments or any other payments. FUIB has the highest (rating "5") deposit reliability rating5
Bank №16 in terms of growth
FUIB ranks 1st place in terms of growth in time deposits of individuals in UAH
88%7of customers
resubmit their deposits at FUIB
FUIB is in the TOP-38 banks in terms of the size of the term deposit portfolio of individuals in UAH
Agent of the DGF
The bank is an agent of the Deposit Guarantee Fund. In total, since 2015, the bank has made payments of over UAH 6 billion.
11According to the rating agency "Credit-Rating" as of 21.03.2024.
12"Bank No. 1 by deposit growth’" means that, according to the NBU, FUIB ranks first in terms of growth of term deposits of individuals in all currencies in the first half of 2023.
13Based on the results of 2023 according to the bank's statistics.
14Information as of 01.03.2024 according to the statistical data of the official website of the NBU.
15 "Reliable deposit reputation" means that as of September 1, 2023, according to the statistical data of the NBU's official website, FUIB is in the TOP-5 banks in terms of the size of the deposit portfolio of individuals in UAH.
Our managers will help you with the choice of a deposit
We will call back within 2 minutes
Your name
Phone number

1Under the term of 1 mo. a deposit placement is meant for 30 days, 3 mo. – 93 days, 6 mo. – 184 days, 9 mo. – 274 days, 12 mo. – 367 days, 18 mo. – 548 days respectively.
2This means 7% per annum. The specified interest rate before tax, excluding the loyalty program on Profitable deposit in UAH, for 30 days in the amount of 500 UAH or more.
3 This means 13% per annum. The specified interest rate before tax, taking into account the loyalty program for Profitable deposit in UAH for 93 days, 184 days, 274 days, 367 days, and 548 days for 500 UAH or more.
4This means 4% per annum. The specified interest rate before tax on Free deposit in UAH for 30 days, excluding the loyalty program.
5 This means 5% per annum. The specified interest rate before tax on Free deposit in UAH for 30 days, taking into account the loyalty program.
6This means 0.1% per annum. The indicated interest rate before taxation on the Foreign currency deposit in USD and EUR with a term of placement of 93 days.
7 This means 11.5% per annum. The specified interest rate before tax on Accumulative deposit in UAH for 93 and 184 days, excluding the loyalty program.
8 This means 12.5% per annum. The specified interest rate before tax on Accumulative deposit in UAH for 93 and 184 days, taking into account the loyalty program.
9This means 9% per annum. The interest rate before tax on the deposit Reliable in UAH for 30 days in the amount of 500 UAH or more.
10This means 14% per annum. The specified interest rate before tax on the deposit Reliable in UAH with a term of 93 days, 184 days, 274 days, 367 days, and 548 days for 500 UAH or more.