Pay instantly with Google pay

Choose contactless payments and pay as simply and securely as possible. All you need is just to bring a contactless card, smartphone or gadget with NFC to the terminal and your purchase is paid.

Pay contactless using smartphone with Google Pay
in shops
in transport

How to start using

Step 1
Step 1
Enter PUMB mobile application
Step 2
Step 2
Open the settings of the card you want to add to the Google Pay Mastercard or VISA Wallet
Step 3
Step 3
Add your card to Google Pay

Add your card

  • Open the settings of the card you want to add to the GPay Wallet
  • Add the card to Google Pay by clicking the "Add to GPay" button
  • Confirm the usage of the card in Google Pay by clicking the “Continue” button
  • Provide consent to the usage of bank payment cards in the mobile payment system by clicking “OK”

Pay with your smartphone

  • Unlock your smartphone
  • Bring your phone to the payment terminal
  • Confirmation of successful operation will appear on the screen of your smartphone