Replenishment a card abroad without fee through PUMB mobile app
Find out more about:
Western Union MoneyGram Ria IntelExpress PrivatMoney TransferGo
*For Western Union up to 30 minutes on working days
**Within Ukraine, PrivatMoney transfers are received in UAH.
The deposit currency for IntelExpress transfers is USD and EUR.
Transfer systems Western Union, MoneyGram, Ria, IntelExpress, PrivatMoney, TransferGo
for replenishment
To receive a SWIFT transfer
for replenishment
From another UAH card in FUIB or another Ukrainian bank
From digital wallets Google Pay/Apple Pay: replenishment of your FUIB UAH card by transferring from your card to a foreign or Ukrainian bank
According to the payment details in Ukraine (you can send the generated payment details of your card in UAH in the messenger to the person who will top it up)
Replenishment by QR code and link to the Payhub page (can be sent in the messenger to the person who will make the replenishment)
Only from your FUIB card in the same currency
Transfers to card (p2p) Visa/MasterCard
for replenishment
USD/EUR/PLN/GBP card can be replenished by selling UAH or by converting (exchanging one currency for another) between your currency cards.
Replenish your card via currency exchange in the "Payments" - "Currency exchange" menu in PUMB mobile app
The monthly limit for buying currency is the equivalent of 49,999 UAH
* By selling UAH or converting (exchanging one currency for another) between their currency cards
Currency exchange
for replenishment
The service "Currency transfers between relatives" is available only to citizens of Ukraine and persons over 14 years of age