Collect money in MoneyBox and get 5% per annum on the balance Collect money in MoneyBox and get 5% per annum on the balance

Collect money in MoneyBox and get 5% per annum on the balance

Open MoneyBox easily

Use any convenient method:

Add friends and people you care about to the fundraising in MoneyBox Add friends and people you care about to the fundraising in MoneyBox

Add friends and people you care about to the fundraising in MoneyBox

Use any convenient method:

Easily set up different auto-replenishment options

Save up
more with
Funny Assistants

Save up
more with
Funny Assistants

  • Choose one or more
  • Each assistant = a specific cost category
  • Specify the amount that the assistant will credit to ManiBox for each of the following expenses

For example, you have chosen the Kalmarket assistant and specified the amount of 10 ₴. From each card payment in food stores and supermarkets, Kalmarket will transfer 10 ₴ to MoneyBox

Save to ManiBox from each payment in household chemicals, cosmetics and beauty salons
Save in ManiBox from every payment in cafes, bars, restaurants and fast food
Will transfer the specified amount to ManiBox from each card payment in any category, except for the one selected for another assistant
Will be credited to ManiBox from each card payment in food stores and supermarkets
Will transfer to ManiBox from each payment at petrol stations and charging stations
Odaguar Put in ManiBox from each payment in clothing and footwear stores, except for children's stores